Exchanges II will be playing in San Francisco in The Show Starts on the Sidewalk projection series, curated by Nomi Talisman and Bill Basquin in conjunction with the University of California, Santa Cruz's Intervene! Interrupt! Rethinking Art as Social Practice conference.
The conference looks really, really interesting...
check it out:
And for those of you on the other side of the continent, I am planning to take a trip to (and wearing shoes on) the East coast, although California is now sounding awfully enticing...
Hi Aislinn,
Your Mama Jean just read me your article -- it's wonderful!
Mae (your great-aunt)
Thanks, Aunt Mae!!
hey there dearest one! i purposely kept my delapitated (?sp) sandals that I wore and refused to part with in india for you. when might I see you again dearest?!!
Jenn! I am so excited about your sandals. They'll have to wait a bit...I'm going to be gone for a few weeks (yay for adventures!), but when I get back, it should hopefully be better sandal weather :)
I'll come for a visit then!
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